Friday 22 May 2009

Pancrase Ring Girls Training Session

The Pancrase ring girls have always been my favorites, not only because they look good but they do a very good job! They have a rutine that is more than just holding up a sign, and when the event is over you find them in the hall ready to take pictures with the fans or selling t-shirts.

Read on for more pictures and training video.

For those of you that have been following my blog for a while know that I have a lot of pictures of these girls.

It is unusual for a Japanese organisation to keep their ringgirls year after year, but Pancrase have kept Rika (left) and Yumi on for several years now and I am sure it is because of their work outside of the ring as well as in.

The Pancrase ringgirls have more than just a close working relationship, they are sisters, Rika Irie is the older. I have always wanted to show their rutine, but since I cant film in the arena it has not been possible. But now GBR have taken them to the gym for some pad work! Only one video is available for non-members, and it is the rutine! You can click the link under to have a look.

You can see the ruitine they have and the girls hitting the pads here. Unfortunately, most of the padwork is for members only, but if you are a member, you can find the rest of the videos here.